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Chapter 9 – Roadmap & Future Releases

As time passes by, there are new products that come up in the market WRT the house hold stuff and to simplify the life of the human beings. I am sure each one of you would have moved away from the normal washing machines to fully automatic washing machines, the cordless phone to mobile and many more. New inventions keep coming up in the market place which either help you to enhance your experience and thereby simplify work life or are need of the hour and are totally new inventions for the user base.

E.g. – You might have some empty space in the apartments where later in the span of stay you might want to make a terrace garden. Or you may want to move away from normal bulbs and use CFL tubes. Or you may also want to get fall ceiling done to improve the interiors.

Alt Worklife being the next generation cloud platform follows a quarterly release process wherein the customer base gets to see new product enhancements and new features which impacts the user WRT enhancing the UI or simplifying Worklife for them. All such features are shared with the respective delivery managers to cascade it to their respective customers post the release. There are advancements planned WRT User Interface, Product features, Product Design or Product Architecture. At the end of each quarter (March, June, September and December) the product release is given for internal testing on staging environment post which it is released on production and UAT environment simultaneously. There are features which are must to have for the product and will be auto enabled for all the customers. Rest of the features will be updated however the respective delivery manager will inform the customer on the upgrades available and accordingly plan the upgrade process.

The road maps are shared post each release which explain the new features along with the benefits that will come up in the subsequent release. The features are classified as “Default� and “Optional�. The “Default� features are enabled for all the customers post the release getting deployed on production. The “optional� features are added into the product release however can be enabled post confirmation from the respective customer on as and when basis.

There are training sessions which are conducted by the end of each quarter with the delivery managers and implementation engineers on training them on the new features, their benefits and how to configure the same.

Go to Alt Admin - New Features on Latest Release for your reference.